Only Up

Only Up

Blog Article

A youngster is the protagonist of the gripping platform-climbing game Only Up!, which follows him as he leaps over a variety of surfaces in order to ascend to higher levels and explore the fantastical universe.

To put it simply, there is no other way except to fly!
When you play Only Up, you will be taken on a trip that is full with otherworldly sights. In this game, players take control of a little child who goes by the name Jack, and he endeavors to ascent to the heavens (in a real sense, not a metaphorical one!). As you make your way across the various terrains, keep a look out for opportunities to ascend to higher levels and take in the stunning beauty that you encounter along the way. There is no need to be concerned if you end up falling to the ground since it is an inevitable part of the experience; nonetheless, you will need to make up for lost ground!

The only way to go is up! - breaking through barriers with innovative platforming A GAME PLAY
Jack is shown at the beginning of the game standing on the ground, surrounded by buildings that are located inside an ancient neighborhood that is covered in rust. Upon looking upward, he notices a number of things in the sky that resemble pipes, and he is motivated to discover what these pipeline-like items are. As a result, Jack embarks on his adventure filled with fantastical items, with the intention of leaping to higher surfaces. However, he soon discovers that his purpose is not even close to being accomplished. It is possible that he may trip and fall along the journey; but, contrary to popular belief, he never sustains any injuries when he falls from unimaginable heights. You are the one who is responsible for guiding him and discovering what lies at the end of this vertical labyrinth!

Only Up! is distinguished from other games by the fact that the gameplay design is very challenging. This is the one element that sets it apart from other games. It is the only objective of the players to accomplish the task of jumping from one surface to another in order to progress, but this is sometimes easier said than done. The players will encounter certain areas that are quite simple to jump on, but there will also be other surfaces that are narrow and need them to timing their jumps. Additionally, since there is no checkpoint in the game, whatever progress you achieved while you were in the air would be lost if you take a fall to the earth. It is possible that some players may find this element to be somewhat detrimental to their gameplay, but it also contributes to the overall appeal of the game. The higher you are, the greater the stake you take in each jump.

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